This is one ugly son of a gun! Despite the bone chomping three rows of teeth, and the double chin, I would want this as a pet... NOT! The creature is an Uglazop, and frankly i've never seen one so ugly in my life. He told me his name was Henry, but to hell with that. A creature that hanus cannot possess a name of that fashion. I probably misunderstood the name because all the snot distracted me. Its massive belly button can fit food for hibernation. It loves to eat leaves, how random is that? Especially cause it lives in deserts. It's so wrinkly that its eyes can barely open. Sexy right? His purple skin gives the beautiful color a bad rep. Damn, now i'll have to change my favorite color. Henry, like other Uglazops are nasty. They try to kill everything they see. It long ass fingernails could poke you in the eye. Basically I want to stay away from this beast. Luckily, it has three legs so its cordination is not up to par. I'm glad I know this so I can run away from it easily!