Tuesday, November 11, 2008


From this moment on, there shall be: NO SOCKS AND SANDALS! In all reality, this law should thoroughly improve your life. First of all, socks and sandals, make you look absolutely ridiculous. This law will help prevent the "stare-down" that comes with many sock and sandal rebels. Have you ever felt self-conscious or a nerd? IT'S PROBABLY BECAUSE YOUR WEARING SOCKS AND SANDALS. Also, this law is made to protect non sock and sandal people. Hospitals nationwide have had many cases of stomach sickness and fainting because of this issue. If this law is passed, everyone wins :).This law outlaws every type of socks and sandals. Yes, even athletic sandals! If its a sandal with a sock, it a crime. This law should come in to affect. I'm sure everyone is tired of the constant marches in their neighborhoods, or the oh so catchy tune : SOCKS AND SANDALLLLLS WHAT A SCANDALLLLL. Ahh, you gotta love it :). If you ever have a doubt why this is should be a law, just please look to the left of this text, and I hope you come to a life changing realization.


Rock fan said...

Mocasins dont count as a sandle if thats what you are talking about. But anyways, its pretty well written otherwise. I do hate it when people wear socks and sandals at the same time. I think i would vote for it, but there should be a punishment or something, like you should be arrested or they should have to take the socks off or something.

iloveanime said...

i agree completely with this law. people wearing socks with sandals should NOT be allowed its nasty! if it's cold outside try wearing shoes or boots. socks with flip slops is worst of all. Having the sock go inbewtween your toes is not good. good job!!!

tomorrowiswaiting said...

I definitely almost used this as my law. I would obviously vote for it. Socks with sandals are absolutely hideous. I think kids should be an exception because it can be cute on them! I would never ever break this law when put into effect. As long as I am sound in the head, I will not wear socks with sandals.

Checkers said...

I agree with this law in most cases. However, I must admit that if this law were passed, I would be a law breaker. The only way that I would vote for this would be if it disreguarded sports players. Otherwise, any time I played a sport, I'd probably end up breaking the law some way or another. When I play basketball, I take my shoes off between games and put sandles on (yes, with socks too). Other than in those instances, I completely agree with this law. It defies the fashion trend, and nobody wants that. It is quite unattractive and if it were a law in my previously stated cases, then yes, everybody wins.